Crafting an Effective Sales Deck: Insights and Examples to Boost Your Sales Efforts

Every high-performing salesperson requires a robust set of materials to effectively communicate value and convert prospects into buyers. Typically, these materials take the form of a sales deck, which combines words, visuals, and the charisma of the presenter. This formula is not only tried and true but also adaptable to various audiences and circumstances, enabling sales teams to scale their efforts over time.

Sales teams can utilize their sales pitch in multiple formats: presenting live, conducting video calls, or sending the presentation as a pre-read or leave-behind. However, creating and maintaining impactful sales presentations that successfully win new business poses its own set of challenges. In this article, we’ll explore eight inspiring sales deck examples while providing tips and templates to help you craft your own winning sales materials.

The Importance of a Well-Structured Sales Deck

A well-structured sales deck serves several key purposes:

  1. Communicates Value: It provides a clear articulation of the value proposition, making it easier for prospects to understand what you offer.
  2. Engages the Audience: An effective sales deck captivates the audience’s attention through compelling storytelling and visuals.
  3. Facilitates Decision-Making: By presenting data and insights succinctly, it helps prospects make informed decisions faster.
  4. Standardizes Messaging: A consistent sales deck ensures that all team members communicate the same message, reinforcing brand identity and positioning.

The Anatomy of a Winning Sales Deck

A successful sales deck generally includes the following components:

  1. Introduction: A brief overview of your company and what you do.
  2. Problem Statement: Clearly define the problem your audience faces.
  3. Solution: Present your product or service as the solution to the identified problem.
  4. Benefits: Highlight the unique benefits of your solution, including tangible results.
  5. Traction: Share evidence of your success, such as testimonials, case studies, and statistics.
  6. Call to Action: Encourage prospects to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a meeting, signing up for a trial, or making a purchase.

Let’s explore how successful companies have created sales decks that resonate with their audiences and drive results.

1. Sastrify


Sastrify provides software tools and services designed to help high-growth companies efficiently purchase various software as a service (SaaS) products. Given that multiple parties often influence buying decisions, Sastrify’s sales deck effectively breaks down the benefits for three key teams involved in the purchasing process: Finance, Procurement, and IT.

Key Features

  • Targeted Messaging: Sastrify’s sales deck explicitly addresses the concerns and interests of each department, making it more relevant to the audience.
  • Anticipation of Objections: The inclusion of a FAQs section on slide 10 allows Sastrify to proactively address potential concerns, thus shortening the sales cycle.


When crafting your sales deck, consider using a mutual action plan template to provide a team-by-team approach that guides prospects through the implementation process, making it easier for them to visualize the collaboration.

2. Spendesk


Spendesk is a spend management platform that helps organizations save time and money by providing visibility into company spending. Before prospects commit to a costly, long-term solution, they want assurance that they’re investing in a best-in-breed product that ensures stability, innovation, and quality.

Key Features

  • Growth Trajectory: Spendesk begins its deck with an overview of its impressive growth trajectory, capturing immediate attention.
  • Social Proof: A slide featuring well-known brands that already use Spendesk reinforces credibility and trust.


To showcase your own traction, consider including a logo slide and testimonial quotes from respected customers, similar to those featured in our bold sales deck template.

3. ChartMogul


ChartMogul is an analytics platform that assists users in running subscription-based businesses. Their sales deck serves as an exemplary model for a pre-read or leave-behind deck.

Key Features

  • Problem-Solution-Benefits Structure: ChartMogul employs this classic structure to facilitate easy understanding, even without voiceover support.
  • Shareability: This format allows the deck to be easily forwarded to colleagues, who can be convinced to support the purchase.


To enhance your own asynchronous presentations, consider adding a recording of yourself presenting the sales deck. This approach enables you to reach a broader audience, not just those present in real-time. Utilize our async sales deck template for seamless integration.

4. Pocus


Pocus is recognized as the first product-led sales platform. Their sales deck emphasizes a significant global shift in purchasing behaviors, which creates urgency among prospects.

Key Features

  • Opening with Urgency: By starting with the announcement of a major change, Pocus captures the audience’s attention immediately.
  • Positioning as a Solution: This format allows Pocus to position their offering as part of the solution to the challenges arising from the change.


To grab attention and open your sales deck with a compelling message, consider using our sales proposal template to effectively convey urgency and opportunity.

5. Oliva


Oliva offers workshops that address pressing challenges faced by teams. Their sales deck exemplifies the importance of design and visuals in a successful presentation.

Key Features

  • Visual Engagement: Oliva’s deck incorporates GIFs and visually appealing design elements to enhance engagement.
  • Consistent Branding: The calming design elements reflect the company’s mission and the solutions they offer.


To achieve a similarly calming color palette, try our simple sales deck template. For further design inspiration, explore our article on creative presentation ideas.

6. Producter


Producter is a product management tool that focuses on helping companies become more customer-driven. Their sales pitch deck quantifies the scale of the problem they address and includes customer testimonials.

Key Features

  • Quantified Problems: By quantifying the problem, Producter emphasizes the stakes involved.
  • Testimonials: Featuring testimonials from existing customers further solidifies their position as a trusted solution provider.


If you’re using a similar structure, our project proposal template includes numerous slides for stats and testimonials, making it easy to showcase your value.

7. Klima


Klima is an app that fights climate change, offering a B2B solution called “Klima for Teams” to help companies reduce, offset, and learn about their carbon emissions. Their sales deck primarily showcases the app in action.

Key Features

  • Visual Demonstration: By demonstrating the app’s features, Klima allows potential users to envision themselves using the product regularly.
  • Ease of Adoption: The deck reassures prospects that adopting Klima as a tool is a straightforward process.


If your sales pitch focuses on product features, consider utilizing our product demo template to effectively highlight the practical benefits of your offering.

8. Patch


Patch is building the infrastructure for a sustainable economy. Their sales deck adopts a minimalistic approach, ensuring that every pixel serves a purpose.

Key Features

  • Concise Messaging: Patch challenges itself to distill its message to its simplest form, ensuring clarity.
  • Inspiring Collaboration: The deck also encourages prospects to brainstorm potential collaborative opportunities.


To create a similarly streamlined and design-forward approach, consider using our ad agency pitch template, which can be easily adapted to your specific needs.

Best Practices for Creating a Sales Deck

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is critical. Tailor your messaging to address their unique needs, pain points, and goals. This personalized approach increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

2. Keep It Concise

While it’s essential to cover all critical aspects of your offering, avoid overwhelming your audience with information. Strive for clarity and simplicity, ensuring that your key points shine through.

3. Use Compelling Visuals

Incorporate visuals to reinforce your message. Charts, graphs, and images can break up text and make complex information easier to digest.

4. Practice Your Delivery

The effectiveness of a sales deck is not solely dependent on its content; the delivery matters too. Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth delivery. Be prepared to address questions and engage in discussions.

5. Gather Feedback

Seek feedback on your sales deck from colleagues or trusted advisors. This input can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure your messaging resonates.


Creating an effective sales deck is a critical step in the sales process. By following the insights from successful companies and employing best practices, you can craft a compelling sales deck that resonates with your audience and drives results.

Remember, your sales deck is a living document. As your business evolves and you gather feedback from prospects, continue to iterate and refine your presentation materials. With a well-structured, visually appealing, and engaging sales deck, you’ll be well on your way to converting prospects into loyal customers.